Wednesday, December 30, 2009

the new years party....

tomorrow is the new years party. i'm not a party person at all. i prefer hang outs and dates over parties.... like every holiday it's like "ok, another one down." and then another holiday comes up and i am like, "i can do this, yeah." take a deep breath and squeeze shiloe's hand for strength.....
anyway, finally this year it is a less formal party. in fact it isn't even a party! :) i am so excited! it is supposed to be more casual, like a hangout/date type and possible sleepover. YAY

Friday, December 25, 2009

shiloe's cute tags

shiloe took the opportunity to write a different set of names on each tag this christmas. here they are:
to kattalicious from skelator (other nicnames)
to kitty from shilore (other nicnames)
to felix ferdinand from grey pony(our "world dictator" names)
to kat-a-ryn from shiguy (other nicnames)
to kat from shi (shortened names)
to kathryn from shiloe (first names)
to mysterious guest from mysterious guy (this one ended up being for him from "santa" LOL)

it was a fun christmas. :) shiloe is so sweet!

the snuggie

so this christmas was a good christmas. :) in addition to the spirit of giving and the true meaning of christmas, the world often celebrates a material christmas. this is the christmas i am referring to. over the years of my fairly short life i have always had a way to satisfy or curb my controlling nature. for one-i may or may not have peaked at my christmas presents before christmas growing up-some of the years. and i may or may not have seen santa deliver them at least on one occasion. birthdays are the same way. it's like throwing a party but you don't know if anyone will truly show up, and if they do-will they have fun? so for my the gift giving holidays are just a little frightening and out of my control. i prefer not to talk about them.
this year however, i believe i have made a huge step forward to trusting the holiday spirit. shiloe wrote a christmas list with only three items on there. one of which was very expensive, thus forcing people to get him what he really wants-books. not just any books, history books and where's waldo? books. of course he put the history books on his list sent to his parents, so i was only left with one choice. Waldo. but where was he? i searched at several different online bookstores, no success. barnes & noble seems to only carry newer books.... online at least. so finally i turned to, where i found the complete collection. all six books packaged together and sent to our front door. so i was done. i secretly hoped shiloe would forget about my gifts, or if he remembered i would get something like a ballet bar(barre?).... except that those are like $300 just for a good portable 5 ft bar. it was discouraging. but i put it on my list anyway.
by the next day shiloe had gone shopping for my gift. i had given him a very very specific list. but for some reason my list doesn't work the same way as shiloe's. my whole reasoning is that you write a list so that people know what to get you. what's the point in writing it otherwise?
so when i found out that my gifts came from bed bath and beyond i was upset, to say the least. that was not at all anything on my list. i didn't care what it was-it was the same amount as my ballet bar, and it wasn't my ballet bar. so it was going back. shiloe, bless his heart, returned it all except a cute little mug with hot cocoa mix. after a few days i thought i had convinced him that i was not to get me anything unless it was on my list. but christmas eve came, and while doing some last minute shopping in the morning shiloe banned me from one half of the store while he purchased my new gift..... can i say i was upset? i was. truly. and it was an event to watch my act like a two year old because shiloe just got my a gift that i didn't specify and from the wrong store and without my approval! i made him promise that if it was any sort of massage machine he would return it. he said he would, but after christmas. he said i had to open it first. of course i was upset. it would be so much easier if we just unwrapped it and returned it before christmas morning, then i wouldn't feel forced to accept a gift i wouldn't use. after a meltdown about how much i hate holidays because of the very lack of control that exists and how shiloe didn't even know what i wanted other than a ballet barre because i didn't write a list for that, shiloe sat me down. he snuggled me, and even though i said i couldn't kiss him because i was upset with him... well he convinced me to change my mind. :)
at this point he reminded me that we have a tradition picked up from my family to open one gift on christmas eve. i got excited. this could help me know how well he did on the rest of my presents. so he took me downstairs to the tree and recommended a few i could choose. i chose one. about the size of a wii box, but it was not a wii. it was light and didn't shake. no sound at all! i stared at it, and stared at it. i began to realize i could wait until the morning to open it. but that would break the tradition. so i used a justification to excuse the broken tradition. "shiloe, usually our christmas eve gift is pajamas." he looked at me and smiled, then laughed gently. he gave me a big hug and said, "you already have pajamas, but you will want this gift tonight." so i opened it.
the first color i saw was PINK. i love pink. :) then i saw the word "snuggie". yes, that's right. i have a snuggie, and i use it. me, shiloe and my pink snuggie hung out together christmas eve. today (christmas day) we took a nap with my snuggie. but the point is. i use it, i love it, and it makes sense. shiloe obviously put some thought into this.... i can't be on my computer, i can't draw i can't do like anything without having my hands free. but i'm always cold. so that's where the snuggie comes in. :) i am now a proud snuggesian.
so the point of all this is that the snuggie helped calm my nerves and build my trust between me, my wonderful husband and the holidays. and i must include the results of this christmas morning. i opened the rest of my gifts from him.... and they match, they are just what i wanted, and i can use them. :) what are they-you ask? well a new comforter, a bedskirt, two pillows and two pillow shams i had been admiring. they are floral, black and white and match the bedroom. i made the bed immediately. *sigh* it is so much easier to make the bed when it creates something beautiful. :D
he also was thoughtful enough to include a separate bed set in case i get bored and want to switch things up. which i do. a lot. he definitely knows me better than i had previously thought. :) i think i am beginning to like christmas again, without cheating.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

The Case of the Misshapen Head

The following is to be read aloud ONLY by Proper English Gentlemen,
The rest of you may read along quietly:

It was quarter past the 22nd hour and all was still but the wind and willows. The night sang its sleepy song to the slumbering ears of a certain Felix Ferdinand II whilst a can of vegetable beef soup sat, spinning in the micro. The can of soup is not important though; forget that it was ever mentioned. In any event, the can of soup sat, spinning and cooking whilst a certain Felix Ferdinand II lay slumbering about dark and swirly things. To be particular, she dreamed that her head was sorely misshapen and was caving in on her brain. This Felix Ferdinand II, in her bleak and ghastly state, etched a frown upon her lips and tried to shew the thought away. Alas, the can of soup, which again, should have no weight in this tale, was finished and had been poured into a bowl. Felix Ferdinand II returned to the land of consciousness, still grimacing. The dream, she realized as she slowly felt the back of her head, had come true! Her fingers told the story; her head was sorely misshapen and inward it was caving! By this time, the ever persistent bowl of soup had made its way down the hall and into the bedroom where the Damsel was riveted in her distress. It wasn't hard to piece together, since the corners of her mouth nearly touched her toes. The bowl of soup was hastily clanked upon a dresser, sloshing about in its way. Felix Ferdinand II sat up and began to cry. Much to its chagrin, the bowl of soup was made to wait. There, upon her bed; upon her basilisk of comfort, the Damsel was wracked with her new yet ever present distress. This was the highest offense that nature could conjure. For the place Felix Ferdinand II wished most for comfort, was the exact place where she found none. It was that misshapen head of hers that caused the discord and discomfort. The bowl of soup was cooling. It was then the Damsel found loving arms and wept her tears of weep. Those loving arms had loving hands that wiped the weep from her cheeks. These loving arms were also attached to a loving body, complete with a loving head. Ironically, Felix Ferdinand II found, this head was shaped just like hers! It was sudden then, that a thought came streaming in; she had never really touched the back of her head before this night. In fact, as she felt the loving head, her own became more shapen than mis. The soup was still waning in its bowl. "All heads must be like this!" the Damsel chimed. She also found that what she called caving, most call a tension headache. So, off she went, back to sleep; back to listening to midnight's sweet melody. Not to dream of dark and swirlies but of marshmallow paddies and chocolate moonlight. The wind continued its dance through the willows and the bowl of soup, that was never forgotten, finally found its home.

The End.

Felix Ferdinand I

Cold toes, an Upset Stomach, and Facebook quotes

Monday, September 7, 2009

Gilgamesh - Abridged

So basically Gilgamesh is a part god that is super strong and loves women and Enkidu is a beefy monkey man with the hair of a lady(created to be an equal to Gilgamesh and distract him from Uruk and doing bad things) that is not so into women; and they fight, then they are friends.... they slay a fire breathing monster together.
Ishtar goddess of love wants to marry Gilgamesh but then he says "oh you are too fickle for me" and refuses... which is funny to me because he was a manslut before and totally fickle from the sounds of
Ishtar sent her bull of heaven to kill Gilgamesh and Enkidu helps Gilgamesh kill it.
and they rested.
after giving it's heart which they cut out to Shamash who was one of the gods that gave Gilgamesh his unsurpassed beauty :P
but... the fact that he killed the bull made the gods angry so they declared that one of them should die... after having a nightmare Enkidu monkey man with lady's hair passes away (of course he is the only one with morals here) and Gilgamesh is sad
so then he decides that he wants to live forever and goes to search for the secret of immortality from Utnapishtim, the Mesopotamian Noah that the gods granted with everlasting life.
Gilgamesh finds Noah (Utnapishtim) and is told the story of the flood
so then Utnapishtim tells Gilgamesh about this awesome plant that is at the bottom of the ocean, so he opens a channel out of the garden and floats into the ocean... he ties rocks to his feet and sinks to the water-bed. then he grabs the plant (even though the thorns hurt his hand) and then cuts the stones off his feet... the sea spits him out and there is a ferryman-Urshanabi. he tells him about this plant and how it will make old men young again and how he will share it with all of the old men of Uruk and eat it himself and then become young again.....
so then the ferryman-Urshanabi and Gilgamesh travel twenty leagues then eat, then at thirty leagues they decide maybe it's time for a rest. so they sleep for the night.
so then Gilgamesh was awake i guess and saw a well of cold water, he went to take a bath in it... but little did he know there was a serpent in the depths of it that thought the plant smelled nice.
and so it stole the flower, "sloughed" its skin and returned to the depths of the well.... then Gilgamesh started to cry.... Urshanabi is there and Gilgamesh takes his hand and cries, saying something to the effect of "oh Urshanabi, after all this work and wringing out my heart's blood i lose the flower, why??? i have gotten nothing for myself out of this....but the beast of the earth has what i want now....and by now the water would have carried it back to where i found it! let's leave the boat and go."
and so the destiny was fulfilled...Enlil of the mountain told Gilgamesh," kingship was his destiny, not everylasting life. so do not be sad or feel oppressed... you have given supremacy over the people, victory in battle, and you give darkness or light to mankind.... don't use this power for the wrong reasons, be just with your servants in your palace and 'deal justly before the face of the Sun' ".... the end

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Artifacts, Dinosaurs, NO ESCAPE....

So the other night i was innocently going to sleep... hoping for a dream about princesses... instead i got a rather interesting one. (i actually rather liked it...).....

One day, Kathryn led her archeology team (notice that i am so amazing that i have a team) on an expedition on a remote island. The boat used to get there was small, but must have been able to handle the ocean because that's how they got there. Kathryn took her first steps on the moist land in front of her.
Deserted, Undiscovered by modern man, and all there for her...... discovery? anyway, so she led her team, oogling at the amazing jungle around her.... giant butterflies and snakes and lizards.... thankfully no mosquitoes yet. There were crumbling walls, and lovely temples and huts.... vines covered most everything.

*digging, dusting, documenting*

THEN-there was a twig that broke. a rather large twig, it sounded more like a tree. all of them turned their heads towards the area the noise came from. there was a shadow lurking in the trees.... taller than a person for sure....
The shape was so unfamiliar to them that none of them recognized the silhouette before them. Then... the beast came forward into the light and let our a mighty ROAR!!! the whole team screamed at the top of their lungs but could not hear their own screams over the roar of the animal. it was a DINOSAUR!
nobody moved as they watched to see what the beast would do... it knew they were there, but almost waited for their next decided on it's prey and lurched forward to bite off it's head! luckily kathryn ducked and rolled off to the side, her team was already running in two different groups, two different directions...she ran towards the closest and caught up to them but the dinosaur was right behind them.

*running, chasing, being eaten*

Finally, after being reunited with what was left of the other half of the team on a ledge that was quite sound, a head count was taken.... half of what came had been lost. there was a moment of silence. Plans were made of how to get off the island (to their boat) alive.
the plan began, and the small team worked it's way to safety. when the boat was in sight, checks were made to make sure that the area was clear enough to run on board. the area was clear, and it was starting to get dark, and crickets could be heard in the background. Kathryn led the team, but just before stepping on the boat they were ambushed! "who are you??" the two different groups demanded each other at the same time. apparently this military's goal was to leave Kathryn and her team on the island to die. but they didn't know that there were dinosaurs about. So they escorted Kathryn and her team back into the deadly jungle.

*more running, chasing, being eaten, gunfire (on the dinosaurs and kathryn's team)*

there were but three individuals left including Kathryn from the original team. and once again she found herself on that same ledge as before, seeking refuge along with what was left of the military that sought to destroy her team.
"look, we both want to get off this island, you have taken my ship, the only way off, and i do not see your ship anywhere around. You have a radio, please let me use it so that we may both survive."
so a deal was made. Kathryn called in the Army from her home country and they were airlifted out of the island.
as the helicoptor flew into the distance the evil military's leader decided to go back on the deal since they were now safe and pulled out his gun.....

Then i woke up. but i'm pretty sure my homeland's army whooped them. :)

the end
Felix II

Thursday, August 20, 2009

little big planet addict

ok, so i wouldn't say i'm addicted to playing through all the levels, but it's the "create your own world" section that gets me...
i can create ALMOST anything in an ALMOST 3D sense and i like it.....
the current world i am working on is kind of funky... but the most complete world i've started thus far. i have learned how to use some gadgets and stuff... and i am going all out!
at first my goal was just to get something new and creative on the screen... after that then i got frustrated with falling and dying and getting stuck and then worried that if i go one way that i wouldn't get to go the other way later.
so i made a "kat proof" level, where you couldn't die, everything was soft and grabbable, no dangerous animals and no spikes of doom. if you fell, there was always a way back.

then shiloe tried it out and said it was cool but there needed to be more of a challenge....

so then i decided to try turning the sun into a flaming ball of .... well, flame. and inserted a crocodile, dragon, and spikes, and i even put in gas and fire.....
of course this all meant that i needed to insert save points... so i did the tutorial for that.. and now i have save points... but now i also need an ending.. and a purpose for the level... i needed to add points and challenges and objects/prizes you could get...

and so after all of this i am in the middle of creating a mini story-line and finding myself inserting traps of doom and creating death traps in the randomest of places and i think that my world has lost the "kat proof" and "good for kids" label.

great... but you'll have to come play it when it's finished!!!

Felix Ferdinand II

Saturday, August 15, 2009

the difference between

Growing up, I know we had our bored moments... But I don't rememberbeing bored very often. Barbies and dolls, dressups and paper dolls, mario and toast, princesses in the back yard.... That's a lot of what I remember doing. Besides all the mischevious stuff! I sometimes wish curiousity and imagination would be more common place with children now-days. They like tv and video games but are still bored and never in the mood to do anything creative that doesn't include tv or video games.... I wish they could listen to music-any music- and see a picture in their head or feel something or want to do something and to express or interperate what they are seeing into something tangible. Something they can be proud of and say "look atwhat I made!" To their family and friends..... Instead it is now "I beat that level.... Now I'm on the next one." Every once in a while that is fun and refreshing but where is the fun in saying that?

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

potato bug

Recently at work there has been a little rolly polly that keeps ending up under my chair...I have to check because one time I sat in my chair and rolled it and then I heard a crunch..... I don't like that crunch sound... So yeah I have to get a sticky note and then scoop it up and drop it outside... Whether or not it is the same pill bug I have no idea... But it always ends up on it's back somehow...

Friday, August 7, 2009

hiking to the waterfalls with Rhett

Soatsome point this month shiloe, ourfriend Rhett and Idecided we wanted to hike the mountain in Cedar Hills just behind all of the houses. We drove to the top where they stopped any there was a friendly sign warning not to trespass....
SOoo we turned around discouraged but still determined to climb at least one mountain! We went up the canyom and I vaguely remembered how to et to a trail krysta had mentioned before-timpooneke (sp?) - so we made it there.but decided to find the julie andrews meadow first. On the way there was a sign for another trail-something to do withbears- from this point forward jokes were made and our imaginations ran wild with techniques and situations "if a bear...." Etc.
We found the meadow then turned around.... This was notnearly enough mountain conquered to satisfy our hiking thirst!-so we chose a trail that appeared to be timpooneke.
The mountainside was steep on either side of us, and the plant and flowers (and thus bees too) seemed to beovergrowing the trail!!! But we fought on!
Finally after conquering the urge to turn back several times, we made it!! To a dead end. The hikers in front of us (a nice family) were kind to warn us the the dead end "unless you want to go rock climbing" they said.... Well 3hett blazed the trail and we fell behind, realizing how out of shape we were. Butwe madeit, and sure enough Rhett waited for us at the top-perched under a waterfall (there were three large ones acrossthe curved wall). He then had us video tape his walking through it. We took pictures, rested, then headed back down the trail. :) now that is most everything you need to know about this adventure (minus the bees/bugs)
Felix ferdinand II

becoming a blogger

I always viewed blogging as a journal entry, and thought it was too creepy to have any stranger reading your blog....then I realized it doesn'thave to be so personal. BUT then it started to become a task and I didn't know what to say. I still don't! But iam figuring out how to put pictures and videos up which makes me feela ton more bloggy!!!! AND the bestpart about this entry is that I am writing it from my PHONE!!! I feel so awesome and bloggerish now! YAY

trashing the dress

so we didn't really trash the dress that bad, i lost some beads here and there, and got attacked occasionally by both beetles and bees...
towards the end we found a nice patch of grass that had a lot less bugs, mostly just flies which i can handle sometimes... thankfully not very many ants... i also just figured out how to post pictures and videos.. so yeah :D

Monday, July 6, 2009


I've decided that life... unless you are Indiana Jones is pretty quiet, boring, the same old same old... and you can't just run off to adventures and come back and still have a job. it just doesn't work that way unfortunately.
so i've decided that if i am ever going to be able to run off for adventures and still keep a job i probably better have my adventures be my job...
so then i decided i COULD be indi-like and like go and be an archeologist and be awesome like that. i could run from the cowboys, and the evil soldiers and my deranged sidekick, and fall in love with my husband even more and find cool artifacts and beat people up and ride camels and elephants and be friends with the natives and build huts and tents and sleep in the jungles and be awesome like that. LOL
OR i could always try to be in PR or Marketing and then i could travel the world... but it wouldn't be nearly as much fun as being awesome like that(aka awesomely awesome archeologist)
so yeah. my new aspiration is to have awesome adventures while digging up dead people/civilizations...

felix ferdinand II

Friday, June 5, 2009

How long IS this day!?

So i keep eye-ing the clock on my computer toolbar.... 6 hours left... 6 and 53 min to go.... then it jumped! and it said "you just ate lunch, what are you looking at me for?" ..... i felt like another forever just passed by, but no... 4 hours..... 3 hours.... 2! And guess what? now there is only 1 tiny little hour left.
Look at how tiny this hour is... i could smash it with a very tiny hammer.... oh PLEASE be a tiny hour! i have a husband and a hungry stomach... and and and... video games to tend to? NO....
i don't play video games... trust me... no video games here! I'm totally NOT a gamer... :) he he he (nervous laughter)....
OK fine! i play video games, but i still don't consider myself a gamer... i don't even know the characters names, so how could i be?
Oh sweet!! apparently i only have 52 minutes left.... wait...
i wonder if my hair still looks just as awesome as it did this morning? possibly, maybe could be? i dunno... but i feels pretty sweet to me! 
perhaps i should go check it out in that mirror over there?.... 51 freaking minutes!!

A certain sound comes to mine when i say freaking... maybe that's why i enjoy throwing it in there every once in a while. it makes me laugh :) Shiloe the other night was describing his football experiences, and how the large polynesian line-backers (?) would totally "underdemeciate" him.... and he made this sound: Grrrrrgrrrrgrrrgrrr.... it sounds a lot cooler when he does it, but basically it's the sound of a ticked off chihuahua. 48 minutes....

Why does the weekend always have to take SO LONG to get here? i feel like i spend the whole week anticipating this awesome weekend... but then once i get to the weekend i've worked myself so hard that i just spend it sleeping, stressing for the next week, or sitting around instead of that awesome road trip, or hike, or fun thing i was hoping to do. 45 minutes... can you tell i'm in need of a long vacation? 
If i chose a vacation... i would probably choose to go to... gosh i dunno, everywhere? only with a protective bubble of power so that nobody could hurt me while passing through the not so safe where i might get robbed by a ninja, or eaten by a lion, etc etc 
i also have this strange fascination with monkeys and hammocks, and pyramids all on the same island. i don't even know where that came from! i must have been stressed or something! 
But now that i think of it, i want to go to the zoo.... and see the monkeys :) 
41 minutes to go....
I was talking the other night with my aunt, shiloe, and my mom at the dinner table, i think it was late... and we were all just tired and have designated the table as our hang out spot. 
We talked about many things, but one of the thing was dinosaurs... and how this movie freaked us out, that movie intrigued us, etc etc and we decided that we thought it would be fun to live with the dinos until we saw one movie or another. the common movie picked was one of the three jurassic park shows. of which i've only really seen the first. i started to watch the second but honestly all i remember is the grass moving on that island thing.
I still think it would be fun if some of the dinos were still around, like in a zoo or something, just because they are scary and stuff...but wouldn't it be like tigers, lions, komodo dragons, pythons, lizzards, tzi tzi flies and all other creepy or dangerous thing we already have? i mean we live with bears and stuff... why wouldn't it be the same with dinosaurs? it probably wouldn't even be a big deal anyway if we did live with them because guess what, it would be normal life for us. we would not know any different...

anyway... 34 minutes! i think i might check the weather... it's starting to look just a little stormier/windier/less sunnier than earlier! Hope the weekend comes fast!

Rainy day, or sunny day...

To be honest, i don't think that the title of this post will even be related to what i type in the post.
it just sounded cool for some odd reason as i sit here.... not really tired, but itching to do something exciting!!!.... but i can't until after five and by then it's probably too late to travel to China or something. so yeah, and so my pseudo tired self and content yet not content self thought it would make a fabulous title since right now the weather can't seem to decide what to do.... it's like it is trying to  be sunny and rainy at the same time, which doesn't work so well.
and.... i just looked at the clock. i can't believe that i just ate lunch not too long ago. and it is still lunch time! gaahh!! i can't remember what my plans are for today but i think i have something planned... i think... :)
wow... this is a really really dry and  boring post. let me spice it up a little:
shiloe and i were playing my new lord of the rings game last night. we were trying to get past a level where we beat up the one evil wizard guy and move on to the next level. so we decided to team up, one goes in the other comes in a second later and gets him from behind.
we tried this a few times until we started to lose patience with the game and almost gave in to watching a movie instead.
but then Scatha (shi's character) died and i decided "SCATHA WILL NOT DIE IN VAIN!" and i went after the wizard dude!
i was about to die and we each had but one hit left before we were dead (but of course somehow he is tougher and his one hit actually takes like five) so i go to give him the last blow... and he's down! so i go at him again and again until he is about to electrocute me with his intense wizard powers and i kicked him or something. (it all happened so fast can't remember exactly which button i pushed) and he went down for good. :D
tonight may be something similar, or we may just nap until bedtime then sleep in tomorrow. who knows... but i am sure that even if it's a just a nap at least our dreams will give us some sort of crazy adventure!

Friday, April 24, 2009


Oh my goodness, i think shiloe and i are the biggest procrastinators on earth when it comes to moving!!! we are supposed to be spending all day today moving, instead...we have spent the time sleeping, eating, and chillaxing... putting off as long as we can the cleaning that needs to happen. Which isn't so good.....

anyway, thinking of it now, we should probably get packing before we fall asleep again!

Felix Ferdinand II

Friday, April 17, 2009

dictator for a moment

Lunch today was interesting, not only did i get to make some burritos for both Shi and I, but i also got to spend some time playing my civilization game. Shiloe gave it to me for valentine's day, i still haven't gotten tired of it!
so i tried to start a game, playing as the Russians, the other day. as it turns out, i never got to finish. In fact, i only got about two minutes into it, founded a second city then had to move on with life.
So today during lunch i decided to again, try to dominate the planet in one fell swoop, and once again, be the awesome dictator. Shiloe sat next to me, advising what names would work best for my newly founded cities. The French and English then declared war on my kingdom! i paused to look at the time, 12:42 pm.... i had eight minutes to turn things around and make peace with at least one of those leaders, otherwise my kingdom and all the technology i had developed would collapse!
The English stole some of my settlers, i tried to get them back... but they were gone!
then, they founded a city right next to my capitol. my capitol at this point was a level 9 city, the new English city, founded with my stolen settlers was now a level 3! i decided to send an army at them, to try and get it back. unfortunately all of their troops were level 27 and i was only a level 12.
so i began the retreat back to the capitol to restrategize my take over. then.. in the upper left corner of the screen a battle between french knights and my legions!!! I lost! and they took over one of my favorite cities and stole the technology of irrigation.
I began to sweat, things were only going downhill, and i didn't have enough time to build up enough armies to take those cities back. i took this moment of stress to glance at the clock. 12:50 pm.... i had to go.... but i needed to turn something around!
luckily i had started my capital building catepults. i built an army and took back the most recently captured city. then, almost like they knew i was in a hurry, the french offered peace. I took it, then saved my game.
maybe tonight, i will win the game. :)

Felix Ferdinand II

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Joined the Dark Side

To Readers:

I never thought I'd ever convert over to blogging, but apparently I've lost the battle and now am one of the millions of bloggers out there. Who knows if anyone will even read what Felix I and Felix II (me) will write at any point during our blogging career. but at least it's a place to vent, and to share fun stuffage.
So here it goes, and stuff!

Felix Ferdinand II