Saturday, March 27, 2010

The Hunger Games

Shiloe and i ordered our own copies of the hunger games and catching fire a week or two ago, and they came yesterday! yay! :) he was so surprised when he came home from work. :) i'm so glad that we are able to own some books that we both love and would read again and again.
my current project is dejunking our books. which sounds bad but like there are books that i got from the book fairs in elementary school that were great then but i am ok with donating them now and only keeping the books that i would read again and would like our kids to read. in the future.
so far so good! i feel so organized! (well at least in a small section of our family room haha

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

ballet class, new teacher and new class....i'm so sore!

since i have already taken my byu class before i have the muscle memory for like everything we do in there already. so one of my new years resolutions this year was to join a dance studio (although i doubt they let the adult classes perform because of our age) but anyway. i finally did that and i planned to attend last week except that i had a bad stomach flu. so i went this week and i am so sore!!!! the teacher does some the same but a lot more that i have never done before so my muscles that weren't being used are aching. i also was able to do chaines turns across the floor twice and stay in a straight line and spot and everything! she even shouted out to me that i was doing it !!! yay! i feel like i have succeeded at something. i also learned some knew steps and french terms. :) anyway i am going to enjoy it! i just need to practice so i feel confident and am not afraid to participate.